Bilateral Meetings
- (11a.m. ‐ 1p.m.)
In 2012 our company was certified for: - ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System For Design, implementation and maintenance of IT solutions - ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System For Design, development, Implementation, Maintenance and Provisioning of IT services to external and internal customers.
MG Soft products include:
- Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system,- Hospital information system (HIS),- Commerce management systems,- Document management systems (DMS),- Procurement management systems,- Pharmacy information systems (PIS),- Laboratory information systems (LIS),- Warehouse managemnt systems (WMS),- Production and services IS,- Car service management system,- Retail management systems.
MG Soft servies include:- Project development and analysis,- Development of tailor made systems,- Software and hardware maintenance.
MG-Soft Healthcare Information System is a cornerstone information system in Montenegro, that connects hospitals, primary health care centers, pharmacies, public health laboratories and practitioners to facilitate the secure electronic exchange of clinical information. HIS is implemented in all primary health centers and general hospitals in Montenegro, in all state owned pharmacies and some private pharmacies, in Institute of public health, Agency for drugs and medical devices and Health Insurance Fund of Montenegro.
The patient is placed at the center of the system with evidence considering all the treatments, services and drugs that were provided by the system. This implies standardization and support of the processes "end-to-end" from the registration in Health Insurance Fund through the choice of a physician and getting all needed services and medicines from health care providers and pharmacies.
We have developed various tailor made systems for public institutions and private companies.
These include custom IS for:- Administration for prevention of money londering and teroris finansing IS (DMS),- Administration for drugs and medical devices IS (DMS),- Institute of public health IS,- Airports of Montenegro IS,- Daido metal IS (Production IS),- Zetatrans (WMS).
Our services aslo include maintenance and support to expoloatation of information systems.
Communication and hardware support and maintenance.
Software and hardware companies
ICT services and products
ICT in R&D
Healthcare Information system- Hospital information system
MG-Soft Healthcare Information System is a cornerstone information system in Montenegro, that connects hospitals, primary health care centers, pharmacies, public health laboratories and practitioners to facilitate the secure electronic exchange of clinical information.
The patient is placed at the center of the system with evidence considering all the treatments, services and drugs that were provided by the system. This implies standardization and support of the processes "end-to-end" from the registration in Health Insurance Fund through the choice of a physician and getting all needed services and medicines from health care providers and pharmacies.
Our vision of integrated Healthcare IS on the country level resulted in vast improvements in patient care by providing practitioners with timely access to information that is needed at the time of clinical decision making.
The essence of „integrity“ of the system lies in fact that it is deployed in whole country and in the fact that once data is entered into the system, it becomes available in a proper way to all segments of the system with respect to the rules of access and authority. For example, general registration data of the any insured person generated in the Health Insurance Fund database becomes available to all other subjects in the system without need for rewriting it. This approach reduces possibility for mistakes and makes easy collection of information in the system. For each patient in the system Health Electronic Record and Financial Electronic Card are formed (costs versus contributions).
System is designed in such a way to:
- Support any type of institution
- Public or private
- On primary, secundary and at the most part of terciary healthcare level
- Pharmacy,
- Ambulance,
- Primary Healthcare Center,
- General Hospital,
- Clinical Center,
- Institute,
- Department etc
-Reduce administration done by medical staff
- Enable management to easily monitor and control all business functions
- Provide integration with other systems
- Provide internal and external reporting
- Ensure the reliability of system efficiency
System was designed having in mind that every hospital must have a close link with:
- the Ministry of Health,
- the Institute for Public Health,
- Health insurance funds ,
- Tax administration,
- Suppliers of equipment, drugs and medical products
and other legal entities .
System was designed taking into account frequent legislative changes, health care reform, the introduction of new standards, with the high usage of parameterization.
The entire software is made modular, so that users can take only what they need, from private clinics to clinical or medical centers.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is equally important to medical institutions as medical IS. If it is adjusted and integrated with medical IS, it can provide many advantages. In addition to savings on administrative tasks (automatic transmission of data ), ERP increases the accuracy and timeliness of information essential for monitoring and management of all resources and business functions.
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution
- Investment/Financing