
Emil Sienkiewicz

Optize sp. z o.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • (11a.m. ‐ 1p.m.)
  • (1.30p.m. ‐ 3.30p.m.)
DescriptionWhat is Optize?
Optize it's non standard approach to web and mobile applications development. We resigned from hiring dedicated project managers (who mostly have no technical knowledge) and we have no costly sellers. Only developers and designers with big experience in customer service and open minds for ideas of our clients.

In which things we are the best?
We specialize in:
  • administration of linux servers and networks,
  • dedicated web applications,
  • web design in accordance with RWD and UX,
  • fast developed small mobile applications,
  • e-commerce and websites for companies,
but the most noteworthy are dedicated web applications and fast developed small mobile applications.
We generally create in PHP/Symfony Framework, Node.js/Express.js and Cordova. We're full-stack development team - we:
  • check requirements,
  • create specification,
  • select best solutions,
  • build,
  • create documentation,
  • test,
  • configure servers,
  • deploy on them,
and make shure, that everything is going fine. ;)
We work in agile (mostly scrum), with version control, test-driven and behavior-driven development, issue and project tracking systems, worked out quality assurance methods and focus on security and UX.

Need more?
More information are available on our Facebook: Optize on Facebook - for now it's only in polish, but it's a beautiful language and we think you will like it. ;)
Or you can meet with Emil Sienkiewicz in Skopje. He will do his best to speak in english with you. :P
Organization Type Company
Organization Size1-10
Founding Year2016
CityTorun, Wloclawska 167 Google map
Areas of Activities

Software and hardware companies


    Web and mobile applications development

    We are spreading the idea of fast and inexpensive application development by specialized small teams. We create custom web and mobile solutions, mostly in PHP/JavaScript frameworks.

    Keywords: outsorcingandroidioswindows mobilecordovasymfonynode.jsphpjavascriptexpress.jssocket.io
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Outsourcing co-operation
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Sales / Distribution
    Offer & Request

    Startups with MVPs with business potential

    We develop some our startups and help others in development of theirs. Now it's time for looking methods of financing for fast growth, for us and our partners.

    Keywords: startupmvpventure capitalvc
    Cooperation Offered
    1. License agreement
    2. Outsourcing co-operation
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Investment/Financing
    2. Sales / Distribution